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Easy Chicken Fajitas
Easy Chicken Fajitas: Submitted by: Kimmo Vallema | Date Added: 18 Dec 2020 Ingredients:

4 tablespoons (60 ml) vegetable oil, divided
2 tablespoons (30 ml) fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 lemon)
11/2 tablespoons (12 g) Arriba! Seasoning
11/2 pounds (680 g) boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into thin strips
1/2 medium red bell pepper, julienned
1/2 medium green bell pepper, julienned
4 scallions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup (80 g) chopped onion
8 flour tortillas
1 cup (120 g) shredded cheddar cheese
Pico de Gallo
Easy Guacamole
Sour cream

Cooking Instructions:

In a large zip-top plastic bag, combine 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of the oil, lemon juice, and seasoning. Add the chicken, seal, and turn to coat. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.

In a large skillet, heat the remaining 2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil over medium-high heat. Sauté the bell peppers and onion for 5 to 7 minutes, until crisp-tender. Transfer the vegetables to a plate and cover with another plate to keep warm.

Remove the chicken strips from the marinade and add them to the same skillet. Cook for 3 minutes on the first side, flip, and cook for another 4 minutes, until cooked through. Return the peppers and onion to the skillet and stir to heat through.

Transfer the chicken and pepper mixture to a large platter and bring to the table along with the remaining ingredients in individual serving bowls. Assemble the fajita tacos family style.

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