An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

GRANIZADO DE CAFÉ Y HORCHATA (COFFEE AND HORCHATA FREEZE): Submitted by: Kimmo Vallema | Date Added: 18 Dec 2020 Ingredients:

8 ounces (235 ml) Horchata Española or Horchata Mexicana
1/2 to 3/4 cup (120 to 175 ml) strong brewed coffee

Cooking Instructions:

Fill one cup with the horchata and another cup with the coffee and place both in the freezer for 1 to 11/2 hours, just until they turn into slush; poke with a fork to test for doneness. Don’t allow them to freeze completely.

In a large cup, gently combine the horchata and coffee. Sip with a straw.

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