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Walnut Brownies
Walnut Brownies: Submitted by: Kimmo Vallema | Date Added: 20 Dec 2020 Ingredients:

Neutral cooking oil spray

4 ounces (115 g) high-quality unsweetened chocolate (such as Scharffen Berger, Dagoba, or Callebaut)

3 tablespoons (45 g) butter

3 tablespoons (45 g) coconut oil

4 eggs

1 1/3 cups (265 g) sugar

3/4 cup (180 g) natural applesauce (no sugar added)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, optional

1 cup (125 g) unbleached flour

1/3 cup (40 g) chopped toasted walnuts or pecans

Cooking Instructions:

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4). Lightly spray a 9 × 13-inch (23 × 33-cm) pan with oil.

Melt the chocolate, butter, and coconut oil in a medium pan over medium heat, whisking to incorporate. As soon as it is melted and mixed, remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Combine the eggs and sugar and beat with a mixer until well mixed. Add the applesauce, vanilla, and salt and beat to incorporate. Add the cooled chocolate mixture and beat to mix well.

In a separate bowl, combine the salt, cinnamon, and flour. Add the flour mixture to the chocolate mixture and beat on low just until incorporated. Fold in the nuts and pour into the pan. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the center springs back when lightly pressed.

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