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Sweet and Sassy Thai-Glazed Baked Wings
Sweet and Sassy Thai-Glazed Baked Wings: Submitted by: Kimmo Vallema | Date Added: 20 Dec 2020 Ingredients:

3 tablespoons (45 ml) sesame oil

3 tablespoons (45 ml) low-sodium tamari (or low-sodium soy sauce)

3 tablespoons (45 ml) fresh-squeezed lime juice

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 pounds (905 g) chicken wings (about 12), cut and prepared as directed (see page 215)

1/3 cup (92 g) Thai sweet chili sauce

2 tablespoons (28 ml) unseasoned brown rice vinegar

1/4 cup (60 ml) low-sodium chicken broth (or water)

1 teaspoon sugar or xylitol

2 teaspoons (4 g) minced fresh ginger

2 teaspoons (5.4 g) kudzu plus 1 tablespoon (15 ml) cold chicken broth or water (or 1 1/2 teaspoons, or 4 g, cornstarch and simmer a little longer to cook off starchy flavor)

1/4 cup (25 g) sliced scallion

1/4 cup (4 g) chopped fresh cilantro

Cooking Instructions:

In a glass storage container, whisk together the oil, tamari, lime juice, and garlic. Place the prepared wings in the container and toss gently to coat. Marinate the wings in the refrigerator for 1 hour to overnight, turning occasionally to recoat (the longer the marinating time, the stronger the flavor).

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4).

Remove the chicken from the marinade and arrange on a baking sheet. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until cooked through.

While the chicken is cooking, in a small pan over medium-high heat, whisk together the chili sauce, vinegar, broth, sugar, and ginger, and bring to a boil. Dissolve the kudzu in the broth or water and add to the boiling sauce. Boil for 1 to 2 minutes, or until thickened. Remove from the heat and cool slightly. Stir in the scallion and cilantro and glaze the cooked wings to taste just before serving.

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