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An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

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An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

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Free Recipe @ Our Recipes: Exotisches Vollkornbaguette (Bread) - Powered by Maian Recipe v2.1

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An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

Exotisches Vollkornbaguette: Date Added: 8 Dec 2019
Listed in: Bread

1 Vollkorn-Baguettebrötchen
1 TL Öl
50 g Hähnchenbrustfilet
je 1 Prise Ingwer und Curry
30 g gekochte Shrimps
1/2 fein gehackte Knoblauchzehe
1 TL fein gehackte rote Peperoni
1 EL Zitronensaft
40 g Mangofruchtfleisch
50 g Salatgurke
3–4 rote Peperoniringe

Cooking Instructions

Öl in einer Pfanne erhitzen. Das Hähnchenbrustfilet darin rundherum anbraten, dann etwa 6 Minuten garen. Würzen und abkühlen lassen. Shrimps mit fein gehacktem Knoblauch, gehackten Peperoni und Zitronensaft mindestens 30 Minuten ziehen lassen. Das Mangofruchtfleisch in Spalten schneiden. Die Gurke waschen, eventuell schälen und in Scheiben schneiden. Das Baguette längs halbieren. Eine Hälfte zuerst mit den marinierten Shrimps, dann mit den Gurkenscheiben und Mangospalten belegen. Hähnchenbrust in feine Scheiben schneiden, auf dem Brot verteilen. Mit Peperoniringen garnieren. Die andere Brötchenhälfte dazuessen.
Tip: Hähnchenbrust und Shrimps abends vorbereiten. Morgens das Brötchen belegen und zum Mitnehmen in eine Tüte geben.

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An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

An error has occurred. For more details please view "logs/errors.log".

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