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Free Recipe @ Our Recipes: Pizza Omelet (Breakfast) - Powered by Maian Recipe v2.1

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Pizza Omelet: Submitted by: Kimmo Vallema | Date Added: 20 Dec 2020
Listed in: Breakfast

2 eggs

1 teaspoon water

1 tablespoon (5 g) fresh-grated Parmesan or mozzarella cheese

1/4 teaspoon each salt and fresh-ground black pepper

2 teaspoons (10 ml) olive oil

2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion

2 tablespoons (20 g) minced green bell pepper

1 large mushroom, thinly sliced, optional

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

3 tablespoons (15 g) tomato sauce (use plain or spaghetti sauce), warmed

Cooking Instructions

In a small bowl, lightly whisk the eggs, water, cheese, salt, and pepper.

Coat a small, light skillet (or a 7-inch, or 18-cm, omelet pan) with the olive oil and heat over medium heat (you can swipe it with a paper towel to evenly coat). Add the onion, bell pepper, mushroom, and oregano. Cook until the mushroom has released its juices and all the veggies are tender. Increase the heat to medium-high and pour the egg mix gently over the contents of the pan.

Do not disturb for about 30 seconds, then, using your spatula, lift the edges of the omelet up and allow the runny egg on top to seep underneath and cook until the whole thing is firm enough to turn. Gently lift and tuck one side of the omelet, keeping the filling inside. Flip if you need to cook it further, and slide it off onto a plate. Top with the warm tomato sauce and serve.

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